Thursday, July 9, 2015

List of EdTech Puzzles to Solve this Summer

Here's what I'm wondering how to work or get to work better. Maybe I need a tech-mentor!

  1. Periscope App
  2. Voxer App and group meetings
  3. iOgrapher - How does it hold my iPad mini (did I get the wrong size?)
  4. DoInk green screen app on iPad 
  5. Wordpress - how to tag blog posts
  6. Canva - adding style to my substance
  7. Infographic-mania: Which is best and why? or glogster?
  8. Twitter hacks - how to participate (not lurk) in twitter chats
  9. Meme making - what is the best way to do this?
  10. Google Maps - How many different curricular applications can I figure out.

I guess that is enough for me to ponder and work on for the moment...I should post some answers with resources once I figure out a few!


  1. I think that is a great list. I am interested to see what you find out.

    1. Kelly,

      Sometimes I think there are too many things on the list...and that I just need to focus. Still, when I take the time to play (or as one Twitterati @urbie delgado said recently - prototype), all the angst and frustration of not knowing goes away. So I think the answer is to find more time to play!

  2. This list looks interesting. I can't wait until you post the answers with resources!

    1. Danielle,
      I guess I've given myself a to do list. Thanks for your interest.

  3. I just got back from the Google Geo Teachers Institute at the Google Office in LA where we learned so much about Google Maps. There's so much you can do with them! Let me know if you have specific questions or resources.

  4. I see a couple of infographic maker ones there. I'm just getting started in exploring those right now - as I have a couple of infographics that I need to create over the summer.
